Virtual Learning For Everyone

We are Canada’s leader in virtual learning. We deliver quality distance education and training for students of all ages. With our commitment to excellence, we specialize in Essential Skills Training and K-12 Educational Support. 24/7, from anywhere, our students can join our live virtual classrooms and learn with ease.

Transition to virtual

We can help your school or business transition to working virtually. We’ll quickly have you
set up so that your students or employees can work from home.


Percentage of students who improved their overall educational learning


Students are learning new things or enhancing existing knowledge


Overall improvement in learning rate with our material and experienced instructors

Quality Education

24/7 Accessibility

Personal Touch




k-12 tutoring for mathematics and English

PLA creates many opportunities for students to interact and enjoy learning in an innovative environment.

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Stanley has been doing really good. I noticed his reading and writing have improved; I would love him to continue after 36 hours of study.

Shannon Y.

My son has definitely improved with this course. His ability to understand the concepts and do it standalone without any help is a great improvement.

Rachel R.

Jaden is a borderline A - B student in English. I've noticed her take more care in her English assignments. More depth in her writing. This is a huge improvement.

Liza H.

Erin has jumped in her performance in school already. Erin has increased her grades about 30% in all her grades. I can’t believe how much her grades have jumped since her last interim report card. Thank you and appreciate your help. MY daughter struggles at times, but now, she takes her time in homework.

Teniel A.
Let us guide you on your journey

We’re Progressive

in our approach to teach and enhance your knowledge

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