Specialization In K-12 Tutoring For Mathematics

We know how important educational support for K-12 students is IN VANCOUVER, VANCOUVER ISLAND AND THE SURROUNDING AREA
Getting the right support is not always easy.
Want To Learn More About Our MATH Program?

Potential Problem

In a traditional classroom setting, our students experience the following issues.


Math is not fun because it’s hard.

In the beginning, when basic concepts are not mastered, concepts stack up, leading to an inability to move on in the curriculum.


Constant struggle leads to avoidance.

This constant struggle leads to avoidance of the subject altogether.


Avoidance shows up as low scores on tests.

This results in lower scores on tests and hence lower grades.


Why can’t I do it when others can?

If grades are low, then comparison with peers and classmates may result in depression.

Our Solution

PLA is dedicated to helping students not only learn but also enjoy mathematics. To achieve this, we offer a personalized virtual learning academy with a curriculum that is tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. By designing a customized curriculum, we aim to make the learning experience more engaging and effective. Our approach takes into account the individual learning styles and interests of students, ensuring that they are motivated to learn and achieve success. Whether through virtual learning or in-person tutoring, our program is designed to provide virtual K-12 tutoring for mathematics to students in Vancouver and Victoria with the tools they need to excel in math and enjoy the learning process.


Math is fun because our students master each level of skill at their own pace.

When basic concepts are emphasized, and students learn to master them before moving on, they can understand more complex concepts more easily.


Mistakes are how students learn. We help students celebrate their win when they learn from their mistakes.

Our curriculums are designed to help students celebrate small steps and try again. They encourage students to recover quickly from mistakes.

No Pressure

Our students focus on learning. There’s no pressure to perform.

Our students can proceed through our curriculum without any pressure from testing. They feel good from mastering concepts and passing learning milestones.


Our students are motivated because they think math is fun.

With personalized curriculums, students maintain their intrinsic motivation to learn concepts at their own level. They maintain their initial excitement that math is fun to learn.

The Learning Curve

  • Learning from your surroundings is the best way to learn. We teach our students to build a habit of learning from their surroundings. 
  • Learning comes from making mistakes. We guide students to recover from their mistakes and encourage them to practice. We instill a culture of constant improvement in their curriculum. 
  • By taking away our student’s fear of failure, we are creating a stress-free learning environment where they can reach their potential.